Friday, April 22, 2011

Tradition of Racing

Tradition of Racing
            A tradition I enjoy with my family is going to the race track every Saturday in the summer. I am going give some background as to how my family got started going to the race track every year. When and where the races are held, who is involved with the tradition, and why my family enjoys racing.
            To start off with some background it all started in 2000, when my Uncle Sam started racing Train Cars. Train cars are three cars connected with chains, the first car has the engine and no brakes, the middle car has nothing in it, and the last car has all the brakes. In 2001, my dad started racing Super Stocks. In 2003, my mom started racing taking over the super stock. A few years later my Uncle Ben started racing Super Stocks and figure Eights. I started racing in 2010 against my mom in Hornets. This year my husband is going to take over the car for his first year of racing.
            The races are held at Rocky Mountain Raceway every Saturday at 6 p.m.  Race season starts the last week in April and ends the second week of September. The races are where spectators of all ages can come and watch. My whole family will come watch the family race. It takes a lot to get the cars ready for Saturday, but with every ones help, the cars make it out every race. The younger kids cannot come into the pits where the race cars are during the races so they stay in the stands cheering everyone on. At the end of the night the fans can come into the pits, in that case we get to enjoy each others company and put the cars on the trailer load up and go home.
            My family has been enjoying racing for many years now and we will continue the tradition until it is too much. We enjoy going to the race track and racing because that is where we get to have fun and get some frustration out. Through out the race season we get to enjoy a
different prospective from other drives. We also get to learn new things through the help of other racers.
            In conclusion, I enjoy the tradition of going to the races and racing with my family. My family has been racing since 2000 and will continue racing.  Races are held every Saturday in the summer. Every one is involved in the tradition where we all get the chance to learn. My family enjoys this tradition because we get to learn new things every year and get to be with each other through out the summer.